Jun 30, 2018
Welcome back gents and germs, ho-ly shit do we have a doosie for ya. In this weeks pod we talk a bit of shit about shows that get political, while getting slightly political. Oh, and we fix the government. Listen to see how, and begin voting to select your regional champion! For the last half of the show we are regained by craigslist personals Byron has been sitting on for like two years. This includes one that is very, VERY long and even more insane. Like seriously. Its long as fuck. And it almost drives Nick insane too. Enjoy/Beware!
PLEASE spread the word on the GoFundMe for Nick's mom's badly needed hip replacement. She needs a lot of help, so anything you can do will be greatly appreciated, even if it’s just spreading the word! You can find the campaign here and by searching Gofundme.com/Help-Debbies-Hip
Subscribe and leave 5 stars with text on iTunes for a shout out, and follow us on Twitter @CCriticismBlog and like our Facebook page Facebook.com/CCriticism.
Also, get the two new tracks out by Nick, Sean and Byron's band Mantel, Manifesto(https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/manifesto-single/1339721788 and No Tariff(https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/no-tariff-single/1338295047) !
Hosted by Nick, Byron, Cameron, Josh & Quinten. Music: "Danger Storm" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/