Nov 17, 2020
Hosted by Nick, Byron & Sean
Also check out our commentaries on Youtube and Bitchute, and join us on!
Subscribe and leave 5 stars with text on iTunes for a shout out, and follow us on Twitter @CCriticismBlog and like our Facebook page
Nov 17, 2020
Hosted by Nick, Byron & Sean
Also check out our commentaries on Youtube and Bitchute, and join us on!
Subscribe and leave 5 stars with text on iTunes for a shout out, and follow us on Twitter @CCriticismBlog and like our Facebook page
Nov 11, 2020
Hosted by Nick, Byron & Sean
Also check out our commentaries on Youtube and Bitchute, and join us on!
Subscribe and leave 5 stars with text on iTunes for a shout out, and follow us on Twitter @CCriticismBlog and like our Facebook page
Nov 3, 2020
This episode begins with a viewing of the classic Redman episode of MTV cribs, followed by a bit of discussion about streaming and competitive gaming. The conversation leads to the revelation of Nick's MK Ultra Incest pornhub algorithm conspiracy, and the introduction of our newest addition to the show: The one,...