Dec 30, 2019
The final installment of our "Rise of Skywalker" criticism and commentary feature, and the as well as the season 3 finale. As you can see, we have a lot more to say about this piece of shit movie. See you next decade!
Hosted by Nick, Byron and Sean
Also check out our commentaries on Youtube and Bitchute, and join us...
Dec 23, 2019
This was recorded in the parking lot of the movie theater imediately following our viewing of the end of the "Skywalker Saga", Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker. We were...unimpressed.
Hosted by Nick, Byron and Sean
Also check out our commentaries on Youtube and Bitchute, and join us on...
Dec 20, 2019
In This episode we discuss our feelings about the Star Wars sequel trilogy in general, leading up to Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker, and how much we're not looking forward to watching it opening weekend, but that are going anyway. Also Terminator Dark Fate rears its ugly head.
Hosted by Nick, Byron and Sean
Dec 15, 2019
We're back with a brand new MCU commentary! Join us as we take a trip down memory lane, where our rose colored glasses are yanked from our heads and stomped to oblivion almost immediately for the one, the only, Iron Man 2.
Hosted by Nick & Byron
Also check out our commentaries on Youtube and Bitchute, and join us...
Dec 10, 2019
This week we talk about Dr Sleep, our favorite movies, Star Trek, Meth, and everyone’s favorite exercise bike ad.
Also check out our commentaries on Youtube and Bitchute, and join us on!
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