Dec 10, 2017
Its Nick, Cameron and Q again as we begin asking for sponsorship yet again, this time we set our sights on Francis Box wine. We then get to the most incredible( or potentially horror movie esq) “Sex island” carribian cruise. And where would we be if we brought up poorly conceived carribian vacations without mentioning the Ja Rule “Fire Festival”. We talk about Justice League and Superman’s insane upper lip. We get into Sex and the City 2 again, and I’m sorry Shelley Duvall, again, and fe end with a scream. Again. Subscribe and leave 5 stars with text on iTunes for a shout out, and follow us on Twitter @CCriticismBlog and like our Facebook page Hosted by Nick, Cameron, & Quentin. Edited by Nick. Music: "Danger Storm" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License