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Constructive(?) Criticism

Jul 31, 2018

Join us as we watch the Tom Cruise movie that no one know what to call, Edge of Tomorrow, or Live Die Repeat(?) as the dvd case calls it. Either way its a fun ride, join Nick and Sean as they see just how many ways they thought to kill Tom Cruise in one movie!

PLEASE spread the word on the GoFundMe for Nick's mom's...

Jul 24, 2018

In this episode we welcome a new guest, Grayson, whom you are sure to enjoy, and start things off with a little tribute to COCO the gorilla, who will be missed. We then discuss the musings of a California Vice Mayor(?) who has some more “Traditional” Views on homosexuality and vents at great length in his weekly...

Jul 6, 2018

This episode we talk about Canada legalizing weed, a little MSU Bestiality scandal, Star Citizen, and A.I. And Johnny Depps wine collection, and speaking of arrogant assholes, we end on Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin being exactly that.

PLEASE spread the word on the GoFundMe for Nick's mom's badly needed hip replacement....